Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Knowing Yourself to Understand Others

Have you ever heard the saying 'to understand another person, first you have to walk a long way in their shoes'.

Well, yes, to a certain extent there is something in this. It means that you need to feel what being the other person is like to be able to relate to their experiences and feelings.

Beware, however! You may find that walking a few miles in someone else's shoes will damage his shoes and also hurt your own feet.

So, before walking in another person's shoes - look at your own feet first.......

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Energy Reach

Well, it's Sunday night and it's been a pretty packed weekend. We've finally caught up on a lot of gardening and it feels so satisfying to see the results!

I know the weeds will come rushing through again, especially with the changeable weather we're having, but it was great being outside soaking up the sun while doing the gardening.

The only problem is that I know feel exhausted after so much physical work (while not being very fit!). At times like this I use a NLP techniques to re-energise myself and thought I would share this with you.

It only takes about 3-5 minutes and is a great exercise to do every morning to ensure that you've got bags of energy to carry you through the day.

Here goes:
  • Stand tall and stretch your arms out above your head. Reach as far as you can.

Imagine that your body is being pulled up from the top of your spine by a very strong silken cord.

When you feel that you have stretched as far as you can, stretch just a little bit more - you always can! Feel your body strengthen and lengthen. While you're doing this, remind yourself of all the great goals you're reaching for. Maybe it's the promotion you want; the new job; the improved relationship; a great physique - you name it!

Hold the position for about 20 seconds and then release. As you release breath out looooonnnnnng and slow.

Repeat two more times or for as many times as you like.

I find this exercise really energising - I hope you do too!

Have a great week.


Sunday, 10 August 2008

Take Action..........

A wise person once told me that, in every person's life, there is a moment when the awareness of their destiny bursts, like a bubble, onto the surface of their conscious mind.

At this moment, people who are weak tend to make themselves busy with the day to day mundane tasks of their lives. They avoid the realisation of what has happened.
Conversely, when this happens to a strong person, they awaken! They decide to take what action is needed to change the world for the better. After all it's their world as well! By doing so, they secure for themselves their rightful and valued place in the history of humankind............

Take action now!

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